Sunday, November 21, 2010

_ Just little update

It seems nobody is posting on this site anymore. Just an little update my life is so busy this time of the year. I took an promotion at work and let me tell you it seems I am running my legs off trying to get as much done as possible in my shift. Went to the doctor on Friday for just my follow up and I had to fast for my blood work. By the time I got out of there I thought I was starving trust me no coffee at 6am for me that morning. That's the first thing I went to get when I got out. I have lost "Nine" pounds since September. I seem to lose more when I am not thinking about it or trying so hard.


  1. Great job! Looks like not having the stress of a true diet is a good plan for you. Sounds to me like you have a good handle on what and how much of something you eat without thinking too hard about it! Outstanding!

    Any chance the promotion has inspired more confidence and so you feel better, leading to thinking more positively?

  2. I would say you are right. I think I have finally found a job I really like in it's entirely and enjoy the people I work with also. I work with a group of ladies that are just wonderful to spend your day with.

  3. That's wonderful, Ms. Marenda!!! I've lost a total of 60 lbs since my top weight....40 of that this year!!! I feel like a totally different person. Sometimes when I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror....I don't even recognize myself. I give God all the glory!!!! Ain't HE good? Oh, yes HE is!!!

  4. Great job Marenda! I haven't posted lately as I couldn't tell that anyone was reading the posts for sure. But I'm thrilled that you are doing so well.

    I just can't seem to manage more than one blog at a time. Sigh.. :o)

  5. Debbie, I could tell from your profile pic you really look great. Cannot wait together in the near future.

  6. Great Job Deb!! I'm so proud of you!! I bet you feel wonderful!

