Sunday, May 29, 2011

If you're looking for inspiration...

Tomorrow a new show starts that just may be the inspiration you need. "Extreme Makeover Weight Loss" showcases one person per episode and shows and entire years worth of their struggle. No " thin in 30 seconds" here! You'll watch these people struggle with the same things you do, maybe more and see how they dug deep within themselves and stopped making excuses. Yes, they get a trainer and someone their to hold them accountable but that doesn't mean they have an advantage over you at all. Why? Well all that fancy stuff that they have doesn't mean anything, at the end of the day it's all about the person putting in the work! If you're looking for support and advice, you're already in the right place..that's why we're here. If our little blog doesn't do it for you, find something that does..that's the beauty of the internet. You're never alone!

Personally, I'll be watching this show and keeping it in the back of my mind as I strive for my goal. If at 500 lbs the lady on the first episode can get off her rear and into can I! Remember, no matter what obstacles you think you have in your way..the only real one is YOU! (Get out of your own way already!)


  1. Thanks, Ms. Donna, for the reminder about this show. I'll be watching it, too. So glad you started Gettin' Thin Together back up...we all need all the inspiration and help we can get...and the support of each other! HOPE you have a great Memorial Day!!!

  2. Hey Jaime..Thanks for the reminder! Can I get this on youtube do you think? I don't have access to TV living out where we do. I did see a before and after photo of someone from that show on a magazine in the grocery store yesterday. I was pretty impressed!

  3. Donna- you can go to the site and watch the whole episode.
