Friday, May 27, 2011

Livin la vida low carb!

Okay readers, it's been a full week now off carbs..well down to one serving a day. Let me first start by re-stating how much I was so hopelessly and madly in love carbs of all kinds. I honestly didn't think I'd make it through the first night..I actually caught myself dreaming of Wheat thins! Yeah, it was that bad! Literally just about every thought I had involved a carb..that was a serious wake-up call.

So let's fast forward to today. I've been noticing that I don't get the afternoon sleepiness, I sleep better at night and my sweet tooth isn't near what it used to be. Oh, and I lost two inches all around in a week! Low carb dieting isn't the answer to everything but it's clearly made enough of a difference to warrant a lifestyle change.

A great example was my shopping trip today. I walked past isles and isles of sweets and honestly all I saw was sugar, chemicals and high processed muck in pretty package with tricky labels. My eyes saw the yummy foods but my brain realized what it really was..nasty! That 3 second rush of "yum!" is so not worth diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol (and a million other health risks) not to mention  crazy mood swings, low self-esteem and looking at cute clothes wishing they came in the size I could be if I'd just get my butt in gear! Nope. Not a sweet in the world worth all that! Don't get me wrong, I'm not swearing off chocolate (let's be serious here!) but I am going to think before I eat. (The back of the package stays a serving is one piece, not one bar..and no, you can't eat two pieces and then promise yourself you won't have any some control.)


  1. This is great Jaime! You are so right! It's so easy to 'ignore' the facts..but I know that chemicals and processed food don't provide any nutrition..and worse..their addictive.

    My body is so much happier with 'real' food. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Donna :o)

  2. Jaime, I re-read this and that second paragraph is exactly what I've been thinking. For so long I've been able to ignore 'what' I eat..thinking it didn't matter.

    But too many of the wrong kind of carbs really hurts us in so many ways. I'm going to be more careful about this this week!

  3. Low carb is how I lost the majority of my weight....I always knew I was a sweet-aholic...but realized last year what a carb-aholic I am!! The more carbs I eat...the more cravings I have! I'm back on track now...and it feels good!!! Thanks for restarting Gettin Thin Together, Ms. Donna...and Ms. Jamie!

  4. Thanks Deb. I'm glad to hear it was low-carb..which I really thing is healthy food too...

    The Lord made fruits and veges..and meat. We can't go far wrong eating 'his' own creations. :o)

    Great job losing so much weight, Deb. You look beautiful!

  5. Oh, Ms. Donna, thank you so much. I told hubby today that I feel so much better....physically and emotionally! Would love to loose about 10 more lbs!
