Saturday, July 10, 2010

Positive progress, even in pain

I've had a sinus migraine today and yesterday so I haven't been doing anything that isn't needed. Feeling like I really need a workout but until this passes, I'm useless. My new way of eating is working though, lost another inch..two in the last two week! I'm getting better at reaching my calorie goal too. Even without exercising I still burned more than I ate and met my goal!

I take my pedometer with me whenever I leave the house now. I want every bit of exercise to count. From the looks of things 5,000 steps is my average. (not bad seeing as I'm not going out of my way to get in more steps) I figure if I want to learn why I'm stuck at this weight I need to see what I'm naturally burning, traveling ect. so that I know what needs changing. I've started a Sparkpeople blog for myself, just to keep notes and so I don't overload this blog.


  1. Hey CountryMama, That is wonderful! I got a pedometer too but haven't used it since I started focusing on healthy eating more. It's not that I don't need to exercise--boy I do! It's just that I'm not relying on it for weightloss.

    Good for you that you are keeping up your eating approach even while sick. I think that is the most difficult time to diet. I've got a kidney infection that isn't bad..but it's a nuisance and takes away my focus on eating.

    Colds really seem to blow things too. At least, if you can maintain while you are sick, you are doing really well!

  2. Dearest Donna, How is your "thin journey" going?
