My struggles with weight started when I hit my teens. I moved from South America to the United States...the land of the pre-packaged meals, and here is where I discover foods that I never knew existed. My weight was always a yo-yo. I was never truly thin...but I was truly heavy!
My heaviest was last year - I weighted myself at 190 lbs. For a 5'2" frame woman in her early forties...this was a devastating blow to my self-steem and my body. I had no energy. Vitamins were not helping and neither was exercise. The saying - go and get yourself checked by a physician is the wisest advice you can follow!
So I went and what she discovered was not pretty! I had thyroid issues - hence the weight gain, the low energy, the mood swings, the food cravings, the depression. I was placed on medication for a year, but I was not getting any better - in fact, I began to get so sick everytime I ate, that I was getting very worried!
More tests were performed and finally had a diagnosis...I was a Type II Diabetic. Now, when I was given this information, I pretty much went into denial. I always believed that being diabetic just meant that I needed to watch my sugar and take medication. Well, in my ignorance, I began to eat foods that were so unhealthy thinking that because they were sugar-free, I was doing well. This is when I reallized, that I was un-informed about food. Labels, ingredients, books...I read everything I could get my hands on. One thing I knew I did not want and that was medication! There was no way, I was going to live attached to a pill for the rest of my life. My doctor basically gave me two either change your food intake or be on medication for life.
Being a diabetic has its issues. Anything that turns into sugar is a problem for me. But, with Our Lord's help, I have been able to manage it so far...I am going on a year here, without any type of medication!
What did I do? I am glad you asked :)
I began to really read every label of every food I had purchased and I discovered that EVERYTHING has sugar! Corn syrup is an additive - a preservative. No wonder we are all so heavy!
salmon fillets with rosemary, sea salt and olive oil - ready for the oven
After I discovered these news, I began to cook! Yes, cook! I went into using all natural ingredients. I cut out of my diet every pre-packaged food item that came from the grocery store. What does this mean? I cook everything dear friends. I make everything from Scratch!
I realized that grains were not my enemies but my friends. That sugar was not really the culprit, but refined sugar was. Carbohydrates - good ones, are needed for my energy level and for my sugar level to stay even. I also discovered that protein is wonderful, but too much can cause gas and will make me very sluggish! Not all fruits are good for me due to their sugar content, and that sweets CAN NOT be eaten in moderation!
whole wheat dark chocolate chip scones
I began to bake with whole grain flours. I began to cook my protein in the oven with very little water and covered. This way, the juices of the meat or chicken stays in the gravy and I am eating a very healthy piece of meat! I bake everything with honey, raw sugar or Agave Nectar. I cook with sea salt and my oil is made from olives. My seasoning comes from the herbs in my garden. Rosemary, sage, thyme, lemon balm, lavender. I don't fry anything but bake pretty much everything! If I crave anything ice-cream or cookies or cake, I reward myself with it once a month! You are reading it right, once a month! The pasta that I eat is whole grain and my sauce is not from a jar, but from real tomatoes. I eat as much raw vegetables as I can. I drink a great deal of filtered water, not carbonated; also I do not drink coffee but drink green tea in the morning as a way of waking up my system. I eat 6 meals a day and try not to skip any meals. I don't starve. In fact, I am so satisfied, than when I bake a dessert for the family, it stays there until it is eaten by someone else :)
Oh, I much on chips sometimes...but the reactions are so harsh, that it is just not worth it!
my ingredients for whole wheat bread...whole wheat flour, honey, olive oil, sea salt and water.
Changing my cooking style, my grocery lists and my attitude has helped me stay in the best shape I have been since I was 18yrs old! I am now 44yrs old. A mother of three children. I went from 190lbs to 135lbs. I have been able to keep it and still have about 20 more pounds to go. I am in no hurry to loose these though! Stress is not good for a diabetic so why hurry! I did not get this way in a took many years of eating wrong that caused this unbalance in my body and it is going to take quite a bit of time to make it right. I don't panic when I gain a pound or two or even 5! I just cut back on my meals and exercise.
Take your time dear friends. The key is commitment. Next time I will share a typical menu that my family and I eat to stay eating healthy.
Until next time...