Friday, June 11, 2010

This week's update

Well my week started off very rocky indeed, I have no excuses, I just couldn't keep my trap shut. Bread seemed to be the order of the day - despite KNOWING that it gives me awful belly ache. Seriously, why do we do this to ourselves? Anyway, by Sunday things were improving and by Tuesday I was ready for getting back on track properly - purchasing some new clothes in a size smaller kind of forced me back on track!

I haven't got a weight update because lately I've been getting too obsessed over the numbers and have decided to weigh in just once a month. I've spoken to my WW leader and she's happy with that so I'm going to give it a go. I just don't find the half pound losses inspiring you know? But if I was told once a month that I'd lost say 2 whole pounds, I'd be stoked! It works for my mum doing it this way.

I'm still cooking at the weekend and benefitting from reduced kitchen time during the week.

Not much of an update really, but there's just not much different going on here at the moment.


  1. A friend told me that she thought that I used the scale to determine my self-worth...I think she was right!!! So... I don't weight nearly as often! We all are different and have to do what works for us!

  2. I'm so excited for you Adori Graphics!! Great job! It's knowing what your personal issues are and being able to conquer them that will help you continue to make progress. We didn't get into this mess overnight..and we won't get out of it overnight either! Great job! Woo-Hoo for you!!
