Thursday, June 3, 2010

becoming a better listener!

When we first begin anything new, it takes motivation to stay the course.  It takes a great deal of commitment and of course, a willingness to let go of the past mistakes and try a different route.

When it comes to eating differently, this is, if I could say it, an overwhelming challenge.  It happens so often for me, that when I "fall off the wagon" per say, I become discouraged and I end up taking three steps back!

Because of my diabetes, I don't have a choice but stay committed or become very ill.

This afternoon, for instance, a dear friend invited me for lunch.  It is always so nice to spend time with friends, but when they do not eat like you do, it can become the hardest meal you may have had that day.  Then how do you explain that the food she has in her pantry will make you ill?  Very simply, by being honest with your friends and family and letting them know ahead of time that you are committed to this new style of eating, and that eating something for "just this time" will make you quite sick and will derail your focus.

Be prepared to eat what is natural.  Do not go for the chips, the cold cuts - I don't care how fat-free or sugar-free they are advertised, they are processed and hence, not good for you.  Stay away from store-bought bread.  Even if it is wheat, it still contains high-fructose corn syrup, and to a diabetic this is a no-no.

Today, I had a salad and I made the mistake of eating a slice of store-bought bread.  Did it give me a reaction?  You bet!!  When I was driving home, I became very sleepy and my hands became numb.  This is my body's way of letting me know..."You have eaten something that is making me sick!"  How do I counter-act this reaction?  By drinking a cup of peppermint tea or a tall glass of water; staying still for an hour or so until my sugar levels itself out and take a walk around the block. 

Now, I know, that many of you probably do not suffer from diabetes, like I do.  But if you still get reactions, like bloating, pain, or feelings of nausea...listen to your body and next time, I can guarantee it that you will listen better.

Stay the course...



  1. Thanks so much for sharing your struggles with your diabetes. I agree...we all need to listen to our bodies more. I think women are better at that than men!!! Can't wait to hear about your weight loss journey!!!

  2. You are so right! I don't have diabetes....yet... My father ended up with it and he started out just like me. So rather than wait until I was diabetic...I gave up the junk food altogether. If it weren't for this blog, I would have quit. But with encouragement from everyone else and knowing I'm not going it alone, I finally got the impetus to do something...anything. Little did I know that it's the same thing you are doing. We may not react to a piece of bread the way you do...but if we keep eating it then some day we will. Our reactions are still hidden ...but they show up on our hips and stomachs. We just didn't realize they were the warnings they are.

    Thanks for sharing what junk food will do to you. I want to grab everyone I see and tell them the 'good news'...that if you eat the food God made...versus the man-made will eventually be healthy! I can't wait to share how much has changed in six or seven short weeks.

    Bless you for sticking sharing your story with us Maria!

  3. I meant bless you for sticking with it and for sharing your story with us. :o) Donna
