Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hello......anybody home!!!

It's a bit sad to admit....but it looks like our "Gettin' Thin Together" blog has somewhat gone the way of a lot of my "diets". 
It's just not working out like I had thought it would!!!

I hope that each of you have found since we started this journey....what works for you. 
For's keeping up with my walking.....eating smaller portions....cutting back on my bread....and drinking my water!!

Hope to hear from some of the rest of you to let us know what's going on with your journey...and what's working (or not working) for you!!!
Blessings to each of 'ya!!!


  1. Hey I'm still here - just don't get much time for anything more than a weekly update LOL. I couldn't go to ww this week because Andy was at a job interview but the diet is going well. The weight is trickling off ever so slowly but at least it's going down!

  2. Hi Deb, I'm here...but it's graduation week. I didn't even do comments hardly at all and reposted mostly old stuff on my home blog. That's how it is with teenagers in the home. I am doing really well weight wise. I feel like God has let me out of food prison!

    God is so good!
