Saturday, April 17, 2010

Watch Out for Temptation on the Weekend!

That title should probably give you a hint that I already stumbled this weekend. It was movie night...sigh...always a dangerous temptation. The movie, SuperMan, was so exciting and somehow I had eaten far more than my fair share of the cheetos and two suckers with bubblegum in the middle. Oh my! Oops!  So at least I did better than in the past and made myself write those errors down in black and white. I've filled out every spot in my food diary  this week which is such a big deal for me. And thanks to Deb I've weighed every single day. And I've lost some weight.  All good news..but I do wish I had been paying better attention last night!

Now I haven't exercised yet, except accidentally. But hubby is going to pull out the machine now that the refrigerator is out of the office. I guess you can't build Rome over night!

But I thought I'd remind you girls to be on your guard! Weekends are so prone to situations where we are tempted to overeat. I will have to keep a good watch on my mouth and not give myself excuses!

Do you guys have trouble with this?

1 comment:

  1. We took our grandsons to breakfest this morning....but I really did pretty good. They kept wanting my food...and what's a good Nannie to do but let them have it!!! Maybe I shouldn't have suggested that weekly weigh-in, huh? I'm gettin' nervous!!!
